Quality Assurance

At Rockpress we live and breathe quality and are committed to producing products that meet or exceed your expectations.  Our in-house QA Team use calibrated measuring equipment including verniers & bore gauges to ensure parts are the correct size and dimension as well as ensuring weld and finish standards are maintained.

Our Hexagon Metrology RA-7330 Romer Arm provides a complete, portable measuring system. With a 1.5m measuring radius, length accuracy of ±0.100mm and a point repeatability of 0.079mm it is the ideal tool for process control and inspection of large fixtures and other large machined or fabricated parts.

Coupling this with our PolyWorks Inspector software we can quickly and efficiently produce inspection reports detailing coordinates from the component tested, the allowed tolerances and any deviations from these.

QA Software
  • In-house QA Testing
  • Metrology Romer Arm
  • PolyWorks Inspector Software

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    ** Our current minimum charge is $500 excluding GST for all non-account customers.

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