Wet Spraying

Wet spraying gives a professional and quality gloss coating to metal products, available in fine, medium or coarse texture finishes. It is a two pack polyurethane process that gives high resistance to weathering, particularly sunlight, through UV protective properties.

The two pack finish is also ideal for highly corrosive environments, and offers outstanding water and crude oil resistance, as well as protection against polluted water and abrasion.

We can mix to your exact specifications or colour match to other products if necessary.

Paint Bottles

Wet Spraying

Our Wet Spraying Workshop can give your product a gloss finish in almost any colour.

Why choose Rockpress for your Wet Spraying needs?

Metal finishing is important. You need a good glossy coat on your metal to protect it from scratches and damage and to make it more usable. UV rays and water abrasion can damage even the thickets of metals, so wet spraying is going to be vital no matter your construction.

Rockpress can mix colours according to your specifications and will work with you to create the best finish. Matching colours is important since your metalwork often needs to mix well with the rest of your design and decor.  Our experienced professionals can also recommend the type of finish that would be best suited to your application.  Two pack finishes will keep your metal protected and ensure the finest look and quality, and the best protection against corrosion.

Rockpress has proven results and we provide quality wet spraying services in Brisbane, Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Our photo galleries show numerous examples of the different finishes and effects we can offer. Results should speak for themselves when it comes to wet spraying and we stand by the quality of the work we carry out.

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    ** Our current minimum charge is $500 excluding GST for all non-account customers.

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